Everything were planed perfect. The classes were great, maybe a little to fast to finish the project, but we got very good instructions to take with us home, so we can finish them.
So now I have 6 project I have to finish……here is the one from my KI-memories class that I finished at home today. I just love these papers.
So now I have 6 project I have to finish……here is the one from my KI-memories class that I finished at home today. I just love these papers.
Title: call it LOVE- call it anything you want- there are no words there tells it all- so call it anythings you want.
The title is from a danish song and the photos are from our 12 years anniversary. behind the big photo there is a big tag to pull out and the little tags is a book to open.
I will opload the other projects when I have finished them.
The teachers were so sweet, nice and helpfully.
It´s was so great and inspiring to meet Lance Rusty, Gary Shipman, Kelli and Joey from Bazzill. They were so fun and I actually understand everything the said.
The crop Saturday night was very funny, I didn’t won and prizes and didn’t make much but I had a great time shopping and talking with everybody.
It´s was so great and inspiring to meet Lance Rusty, Gary Shipman, Kelli and Joey from Bazzill. They were so fun and I actually understand everything the said.
The crop Saturday night was very funny, I didn’t won and prizes and didn’t make much but I had a great time shopping and talking with everybody.
me and Gary Chipman from QK
me and Lance from Rusty Pickle.
At the crop I started on this layout and finished it last night. It´s created from Di Hickman’s sketch #5. You can se the sketch on her blog

Title: Spring is in the air
Journaling: at our house some of the first signs that spring is coming is when Signe find the chalk and paint arts on the road. This year it was a town with stores that was the years first chalk art.
great layouts lisette! awesome!
Just popped by from Di's blog to admire your layout :)
Hey there Lisette! I love all your designs! Gorgeous! I am so glad you had a great time!
Hi Lisette. (I will write in English so your visitors understand what I am saying!).
It seems like you had a wonderful time in Sweden!! I would have LOVED to go there - but I didn't want to go alone...
It's a lovely little thing you created from your and your DH's anniversary. And I recognized the words in the song right away! Lars Lilholdt! :)
Wonderful LO you have made of Signe. Chalk and children are a great combination!
I have updated my own blog and I have made a LO very inspired by the flowers you make yourself with watercolors! Go and see if you want to. :)
Have a great day! (WOW - what a long post I just made there!).
Gorgeous LOs, glad you had fun at your scrap event - I love to attent those too... have a wonderful day
Hej Lisette.
Endeligt nyt fra dig :) Jeg er ikke eet sekundt i tvivl om at du havde en lækker tur til Sverige. Du var helt oppe og ringe da vi talte sammen :)
Det er vel nok to VIRKELIG flotte LO´s du har lavet. Det med dig og Anders er bare enormt stemningsfyldt og lækkert. Sjovt med de mange gemte billeder.
LO´et med Signe er virkelig lavet i noget lækkert papir og en super opsætning - wow lige mig.
Great LO's Lisette! I always love your designs!
Glad you had fun at all your classes! Can't wait to see what else you did!!
Cheers from across the water,
Vad kul att läsa om dina upplevelser från helgen!
Hej Lisette
Tak for rigtigt godt selskab i sverige, dejligt at have en "partner in crime" at hygge sig med når vi var ude at trække "frisk" luft LOL! Dit LO er bare blevet rigtigt godt, håber jeg snart får tid til at gøre mit færdigt!
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