Today it´s 12 years since my husban and I got married and no it´s not a April fool ;O)
I’m still in love with him as you can see on the photos
I’m still in love with him as you can see on the photos

We are not doing something extraordinary about the day because we are going to have a birthday party tonight for my sweet husband. He has birthday on Tuesday, but we don’t have time to celebrate it there, because we are going to have visitor staying from Wednesday to Sunday. It´s my beloved friend Anette aka Netti and her family there are coming. I looking forward to this and I’m sure we are going to have a blast while she is her.
We are going to a scrap night Wednesday at DreamPapers. It´s my gift from last dream crop where I won a 3 hours scrap night for 8 persons.
Saturday we are going to Sweden and visit a big scrap shop called Scraproom……and I think we are going to do a little bit of shopping and scrapping while she is her.
I haven´t been scrapping so much the last week.......but I did make these two.
This one was for a product challange at Scrapbook chalet.....we had to use at least 3 buttons, 4 brads and do some sewing.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary Lisette!
Oh you get to play I am so jealous... you girls have fun!
Gorgeous design as always Lisette!
Happy anniversary!!! And happy birthday to your hubby :)
Hope you have a wonderful time visiting with your friend! Make something wonderful!
Your creations are always wonderful and inspiring! Good luck in the contest!
Cheers from across the water
Stort tillykke med bryllupsdagen i går, hvor ser i søde ud! Vi har bryllupsdag i morgen her i huset :)
Det er nogle super flotte layouts du har lavet, du er bare god til at få mange billeder med. Så nu ved jeg hvor jeg skal søge inspiration, jeg har nemlig en masse billeder til mit USA album, som jo aldrig bliver færdigt, hvis jeg skal lave 1-2 billedes layouts!
Rigtig god påske sammen med Netti, det lyder som om I rigtig skal råhygge!
hej lisette
stort tillykke med bryllupsdagen - vi har bryllupsdag 1. maj.
på onsdag tager jeg til sverige med familien og regner også med at skulle forbi scraproom.
god påske
Hi Lisette... just popped in to say hi... (we sometimes chat at the chalet in case you're wondering who this mad woman is LOL). Some great LO's on your blog - stunning.
Hej Lisette,
Længe siden jeg har været forbi din blog - og her er der sket meget!!
Det er nogen nydelige LOer du laver! :) Og du må hygge dig en masse med venindebesøg og scrapping.
Tillykke med bryllupsdagen forleden! Jeg håber i havde en super dag!
Og rigtig god påske!
Forsinket tillykke med bryllypsdagen ;) Jeg er sikkker på, jeg kommer til at lifte dit LO med mange fotos på - til nogle af mine mange billeder fra ZOO eller andre dyreparker - det ser nemlig (som det andet, du laver) rigtig godt ud.
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