Those flowers are just so awesome and I can’t wait to play with them.
Well yesterday I received a packet …….yes guess what it was some flowers I order.
I created this layout for Di Hickman’s sketches blog using her sketch #3
Journaling goes like this:
Ever since I was a little girl I have been crazy with roses. I remember clearly that my daddy spending hours in the garden to take care of the roses.I often join him in the garden and used to tell my stories about the roses. The best part of it was that I sometime was allowed to pick some of the roses and put them in a vase in my own room.
.....................If you didn´t know before....well i must say I´m a flowergirl.......Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a great day.
Ohhhhhh I love those flowers that look like little undies! :) I wonder if she has more!!!
Dig blomster - nej deeeet vidste jeg slet ikke! :-)
Det er nogle superfede blomster Solvej fik til dig - men jeg er spændt på at se dem i brug :-)
Dit LO er superfed. Dejlige farver, fed doodling og sjov og flot overskrift. Det er SÅ flot!
I just love the flowers with doodling!! Gorgeous!!!
The flowers in underware packaging... they have them at a store here... They are SOOOOOOO CUTTTTEEEEEEEE!!
Rigtig flot roseLO - jeg er også vild med roser - ja blomster og elsker at tage billeder af dem.
Gorgeous LO Lisette! (As usual)
I LOVE those Primas! We have them in the store I DT for and they are just too cute http://www.creativescrapshack.com/store/home.php
Have fun with all your goodies! I can't wait to see what wonderful creations you come up with using them!
Cheers from across the water
Super seje blomster indpakninger, de er vel nok sjove :)
Og dit LO med roser er jo bare kanonflot!
Nej, det med dig og blomster - det havde jeg vist heller ikke gættet... ;o)
Sikke flotte blomster og herlig indpakning. Kan godt forstå, at du er vild med dem.
Skønt rose-layout, og en rigtig dejlig tekst fyldt med minder.
Scrap-hilsen fra Anne
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