I had a awesome time at the crop yesterday. We were only about 13 scrappers , so I had plenty of time to talk to everybody and especially my dear friend Charlotte.
There were two different competitions...one where you should use at least 3 kind of ribbons, least 6 brads and least 9 flowers and only one photo...........and guess what I won with this layout

Baked with love:
Is about how my daughter came home from school with muffins. It was the first time she ever baked and she had saved some for her sweet mother. She tool me, that they teasted great and she had baked them with love.
The prize was a mini tote in pink, but I was permit to change it to a green one so it match my big tote.
I also made 3 other layouts at the crop.....take a look

Finally pierced!
Journaling goes like this:
The first time you tool me, that you wanted to get your ears pierced was when you where six years old. I thought you were to young. You might be frighten when it hurt and besides that I also had some bad memories from my own childhood. I said no but you continued to pester, so at last I said when you would turn teen is would be alright. Well you wouldn’t satisfied with that answer so after many discussions the agreement was, when you turn eight years. Finally the day came and you turn eight and what happened…….no mom I don’t need to get my ears pierced right away. The courage failed the big girl.Then one day I October 2006 after many conversations with your friends about getting ears pierced you got the courage to do it and you didn’t even cry. You was so proud of yourself and so was I.

The journalling goes like this:
It´s has cost blod, sweat and tears to be where we are today, where you just sit down and read your homework (alomost) without any complains.I don´t think that you ever learn to read fast, but you read with 99% correctness and that is all that matters. I´m so proud that you have come so far in only 5 years and without any interest for reading.

New clothes
Journaling goes like this:
One evening Signe sat down and read in a cloth catalogue for the first time in her life. It was a catalogue from H&M which she study carefully and a lot of marks were placed so I could see what she wanted to buy. She read in the catalogue for over half an hour......that just another indication that me little girl is growing big!
Well i didn´t buy a lot of stuff this time , bur there where a few thing I coulden´t live without..........guess what they had got some of the new flowers from prima ;O)

Today I´m just going to do nothing and just relax with my new flowers........thanks for stopping by and have a great sunday.
Hold da op, hvor har du lavet mange lækre LOs igår!! Jeg skal helt sikkert lifte både lektielæsningen og øre piercingen, de er for lækre! Og sikkert også den med muffins :) ja..okay..og den med tøjet! hehe.. Flot flot flot Lisette :) Glæder mig til næste crop - eller måske skal vi arrangere noget mere privat en anden dag med os og et par stykkere mere..jeg sad såå langt væk fra jer!
Hey there Lisette,
Your designs are just GORGEOUS! I love your new goodies. I can't wait to see what you create next. I am so happy to see you at The Chalet... I love seeing you there.
Your Layouts are gorgeous!
Ja, det blev virkelig til nogle flotte LO'er i lørdags.
Men kan dog ikke forstå du har købt blomster...! -smiler-
Super flotte layous Lisette, du er bare kanon dygtig! Også nogle lækre sager, du fik købt dig i lørdags og den mini tote er da bare for kær, jeg måtte næsten slå mig selv over fingrerne, for ikke at købe den til convention :)
Du har godt nok været flittig det det DreamCrop, hva´? ;o)
Jeg er vild med de nye layouts (- lige som jeg er med de "gamle"), og glæder mig til at lifte nogen af dem.
Og så tillykke med den nye lille mini-tote - den er bare for lækker.
Scrap-hilsen fra Anne
Du laver nogle skønne ting og det er snart svært, at vælge det ene frem for det andet.
Har du overvejet at sende dine arbejder til Creating keepsakes ?
Jeg er tosset med det med "huller i ørerne". Synes at det er en dejlig historie at fortælle. Det sendte mig lige tilbage til dengang, jeg selv fik lavet mine første huller i ørerne. Jeg var sgu ikke så sej som din datter. Måtte have lavet dem over to dag ;-)
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