Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Midsummer Day

Saturday we celebrated Midsummer Eve called Sant Hans in Denmark. It´s a old tradition where we go to the beach in the evening and look at the midsummer bonfire. All over Denmark there are bonfire on beach tonight. In the middle of the bonfire there has to bee a witch. The old tradition say that the witch fly to "Bloksbjerg" to get together.
Normally my parents come for dinner and bonfire in our garden, but this year they were on vacation, so it was only Anders, Signe and me. We had a nice dinner outside and afterwards we drove to Hornbæk to see the bonfire on the beach, and of course I had to take some pictures.

I just gave employer my resignation. I have know for a while that I was going to give my notice and it has been so hard not being able to talk about it. But last Monday I got my papers from my new job. I’m just so happy. So now Ijust have two more weeks at work ,then I have 3 weeks holiday and after that I start on my new job.
I didn’t win the contest over at Scrapbooks Chalet, but on the other side I didn’t expected to. I feel honoured to make it all the way to the finale. To end at a second place out of 53 participants that´s a victory in it self.
I just made another giftback and card to a friend.
Thanks for stopping by.


Charlotte said...

Flot giftbag og kort du har lavet, Lisette! Og tillykke med 2. pladsen hos the Chalet. Synes jo DU burde vinde! Men jeg synes jo stadigvæk at en 2. plads er utroligt flot! :)

Vi var til St. Hans bål ved Roskilde Havn - det kunne ikke tændes og vi blev utålmodige og gik derfra! Så vi så ingen bål. he he! Flotte bålbilleder du har taget!

Tillykke med det nye job! God dag til dig.

Lone said...

Flot giftbag og kort.
Tillykke med den flotte 2. plads. Du fortjente virkelig at vinde, for dit bidrag var meget mere relevant. Tillykke med dit nye job, er det noget helt andet du skal lave nu, eller er det samme branche ?

Go tirsdag aften.
Hej fra

sollie said...

Hi girl!!! You did wonderful in the contest. I loved all your work. Love, Isolde

Didi said...

YOu are SO right that second place is something to cheer about....there were some AWESOME scrappers competing!! Treat yourself to something nice for sure!!!!

That bonfire looks like a lot of fun....I love reading about different traditions and holidays. CooL!

R said...

You did great during the Chalet contest for what I've seen!!!

We've bonfires at Easter here in the Netherlands. Except for the witch it looks alike!

Have a wonderfull week!

Anonymous said...

Tillykke med din 2. plads - det var da altid noget at det var Dawn der vandt og ikke en af de der du ved nok :) Super flot gået i hvert fald!
Kanon giftbag og kort - de må liftes!

Gitte said...

Tillykke med den flotte placering, selvom jeg syntes jo, at du burde have vundet.
Flot billede af Skt. Hans bålet.

Netti said...

Hej Lisette.
Tillykke med 2. pladsen - selv om du ved at jeg ikke fatter en meter af hvorfor hun vandt!!! Dit var SÅ meget flottere - og havde noget med scrapbooking at gøre.
Men jeg er vildt stolt af dig.

Dit kort og giftbag er vel nok flot lavet. Det må give lykke hos modtageren :o)

Lækre billeder du fik taget - jeg gætter på at de skal scrappes?

Charlotte Ravn said...

Stort tillykke med den flotte 2. plads, jeg synes ligesom de andre, at du burde have vundet! De er da meget søde de der strikkede kager, men hvad har de lige med scrapbooking at gøre? Nå, thats life og du er en vinder anyway!