Thursday, March 15, 2007

new layouts

Well this is just a quick opdate .......I´m to tied for a long post, so here are the lastest layout I have made.

Why a book of me

The journaling goes like this:

because my story is just as importen as my familys- because I´m the only one how can tell it from the inside.

Journaling goes like this:

This year Signe fortunately just wanted to dress up like a Chinese. That was quick don because we alredy had the kimono. The hair was put into a clod with chopsticks and then she was ready.


Charlotte Ravn said...

Ih, jeg er altså fan af dig Lisette, du laver de skønneste layouts!

Gitte said...

To virkelig skønne LO. Du bliver da bare ved at ryste det ene flotte ud af ærmet efter det andet.

Gurli Laursen said...

Jeg kan skrive som Charlotte, for jeg er også helt vild med alle de skønne layouts, du får lavet for tiden.