Sunday, February 25, 2007

The joy of snow

The night between Tuesday and Wednesday a snowstorm hit Denmark. We woke up to a beautiful snowscape.......but soon all the problems should we go down to the cars and would it be possible to drive to work, when there were about ½ meter snow on our road.

There were a lot of traficcaos because it was blowing a lot. The wind made snowdrifts on the it was very hard to drive.

Well my sweet husband drove me to work and picked me up again.....and when we arrived safely at home I went out and took some beautiful photos ......take a look
as you can see we got a lot of snow.......even my car which stod in the garage was covered with snow.

Today it began to thaw and sudden there were dreping water down from the ceiling. Anders went up on the roof and took some roofing tiles of and guess what....the loft was full of snowdrifts

I love snow´s beautiful but it´s also means a lot of troubel ;O)


*Jeanne* said...

OMG look at all that snow... I am so jealous. I want some of the white stuff.

Hugs to you Lisette!

Charlotte Ravn said...

Det ser jo rigtigt flot ud med al den sne og knap så flot ud med jeres loft! Håber ikke der er sket for store skader!
Vi ses på lørdag i Ryslinge!

Anne Thormose said...

Jeg er da lidt misundelig på al den sne I har fået - indtil jeg så billederne af loftet. :o( Håber der ikke er sket nogen store skader.